Meet Safiya
Life Transformation Coach
Safiya Terrell is a woman after God’s own heart, who lives a life of total surrender, sacrifice, and service. As a 21st Century ambassador for Christ, she has an anointing to minister to those who have broken identities, and who suffer the pain of past traumas, abuses, and psychological oppressions.
With a Master’s degree in Education, and multiple years of experience as a gainfully employed therapist, Safiya has a unique ability to identify emotional wounds, barriers, and strongholds, that keep people in sin cycles and repeated patterns of behavior. Through her gift of counsel and with the leading of Holy Spirit she is able to administer inner healing and deliverance that brings total transformation and freedom to those who encounter her ministry and seek to receive her one to one life coaching services.
Being referred to as “The Wrecking Ball”, Safiya’s assignment is to fully demolish the plans of Satan so that others can fully see God, and walk in his divine
purposes, becoming all that He has called them to be. In her pursuit to help others cross over into their next level, Safiya has created Breakthrough Mindset Assistance (BMA). This is a global movement that is designed to give women the assistance they need to break out of fear, rejection, hurt, abuse, insecurity, low self esteem, perversion, guilt, shame, past failures, discouragement, grief, poverty, divorce, discontent, and out of their comfort zone to become bold, brave, confident, resilient, driven, focused, determined, and strong all while living victoriously and unapologetically on fire for God with their standards high, goals, high, heels high and heads high as they press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. ~Phillipians 3:14
Safiya is also an author, and an ordained Apostle and after serving more than ten year in a local church, Safiya and her husband were both set aside by God to do an apostolic work. In response to the call, Safiya left the field of education to go into full time ministry
to share the gospel to all nations. Alongside her husband Pastor Dexter Terrell, they are the founders and Senior Leaders of the House of Prayer Fellowship Worldwide where they are currently located in five states and two countries.
In addition to the vision that she gives to her local church, She is also passionate about teaching people how to live in the presence of God and to build a personal relationship with him. Because of this, Safiya is sought after for her ability to mobilize and gather people from around the world to get into the presence of God, and to demonstrate what a relentless pursuit of God looks like through prayer and glory encounters that she has birthed out ,orchestrated, and led with miracles, signs, and wonders that follow.
"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"

When I first met Apostle Safiya I was in a very wounded and hurt place.
From day one her one to one counseling sessions gave me a safe place to heal while also providing me with the Wisdom and knowledge to maintain the healing when I encountered new obstacles.
Apostle Safiya Carries a very pure and unique grace to help people who are hurt, loss and wounded!
I am truly Grateful for her‼️
- Prophetess Tawanda Blount, CA
I thank God for Apostle Safiya. She is truly an anointed and amazing person and I thank her for her many words of encouragement. I am eternally grateful for that. She has been the spark, the light, the jump start/kick I needed to step up to the plate & be guided & directed to my next spiritual phase & journey
Apostle Safiya has made the woman of God in me become more alive than ever before!
- Grace Gaskins, MO

The woman that I was when I first connected to Apostle Safiya that was afraid to walk in the calling that God has on my life has now turned into the woman of God who is no longer afraid to be and walk in what God has called me to be.
Over the past two years I have sat at Apostle’s feet to listen, learn, and hear what the Lord has for me to do in His Kingdom, in my Natural Life and how to be a better mother for my son. I have learned that is imperative that I have a personal and deep relationship with God. I have learned that I must at all costs protect that which God has placed upon me. I am watching God show me how to build spiritually and naturally thru the things that I see her do. I see the growth that continues in me because of my covenant connection to her.
My own ministry War Room Warriors Worldwide Prayer Ministry has and continues to benefit so much from the pour every month that I receive from her through her global network and through our one to one meetings that we have each month as well.